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TurkeyCon Days 4 and 5

(not to be confused with TurkeyCon.)

We watched Moulin Rouge Tuesday night, which Lucinda was less than impressed with, made Bridget cry, and left me with a desire to finish up work a LiveJournal layout for someone which was based on that movie.

Wednesday morning brought us again to seeing Moulin Rouge, and restarting it after about 20 minutes in because Ryan wanted to see it too. Bridget just wanted to watch the funny parts, but we kept the whole thing on until the end again, but both Ryan and Bridget had wandered out of the room by then. Some more grocery runs were made, and lots of StarCraft and hanging out and talking were done, then it was time for Harry Potter.

Well, almost time. Turns out that the time had changed from the previous day, and there was no 2:30 show anymore. There was a 2:00, which we'd just missed and a 3:30. So we waited for Scott/Stormy, who was meeting us there, then headed back to the house. Not much later, we left again, and made it to the theater, got our popcorn, candy, and soda, then went in to sit.

Smaller theater than I expected for HP&tCoS, but it was most definitely not full. Our group of 10 was probably just under half of the people there. The movie was fun (I may write a review for my pop culture review blog), but nothing to write home over. Which is sad, but here's hoping HP&tPoA will be better under a different director, even if we have to wait for 2004. But we did get to watch a lot, LOT of trailers before the movie.

Home and dinner and more playing video games and talking. I worked on some "bad guys" for ATF, and officially gave up on writing more for NaNoWriMo. I'll keep picking at it, but I'm done. I'm going to gear up for next year.

Today we did the usual parade watching, and then some of the Purina Dog Show afterwards. Then dinner, which was most excellent. Now we're recovering from dinner, more video games are being played, and more talking for those of us not into gaming/not having a computer handy to join in. Some roleplaying might be added in later, and Alex is due in near midnight tonight.

Tomorrow is AotC at the IMAX, and maybe a run to the Apple Store in Durham if we can manage it. They're having a Black Friday sale, and I really don't need to be tempted, but I'd love to actually go into an Apple store.

Comments (1)

Moulin Rouge was exactly the sort of film I would not have thought I would like, but which I am damn glad I saw.

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This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on November 28, 2002 3:03 PM.

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The next post in this blog is Last Days of TurkeyCon.

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