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Ye Olde Blogge

Ye Is Not, And Never Was, an English Word

Okay, now I want to know where the extra e's come from.

Courtesy of kuro5hin, which was found via NetNewsWire.

Comments (2)


Unfortunately, if you follow one of the links (the one for the Thorn), this article is slightly contradicted... The comments point this out, from other sources.

"Ye" as "The" is, indeed, a typographical "error" as described.

"Ye" as the plural of "thou" is, indeed, correct, derived from another source.

So "Ye Olde Shoppe" is an artifact of the printing press, but "Hear Ye, Hear Ye!" is likely correct (albeit archaic) English.

And so "Ye" is, indeed, an English word.


I knew this, I knew this! I have had arguements with people about it.

I have to use my English linguistics degree sometimes you know :)

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