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Christmas Thumbs

1. Christmas cards -- how many do you send out? Is there an obligation to reciprocate if you receive one? How do you display the ones you receive, assuming you display them at all?

Let's see...I think this year it was about 40, maybe a little less.

We put the ones we get up on the high railing around our kitchen/entryway. It's about eye height, and we can usually put the back of the card in the space between the ledge and the wall. (I'd call it wainscoting but that's really not what it is.)

2. If money were no object, would you hire a personal shopper to do your Christmas shopping for you?

No. I love doing Christmas shopping! Most of mine was done online this year. That's probably why I love it.

3. As a late night talk show host, you need to book a guest for your December 23rd show who is highly relevant to the Christmas season. Whom would you choose? (The person does not have to be famous.)

Oh, I don't know...I don't book talent! Umm....someone who looks like Santa Claus?


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on December 19, 2002 9:18 AM.

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