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Friday Five Returns!

1. What holiday or holidays do you celebrate this time of year?

Christmas. My birthday at the beginning of the month, too.

2. What was the best gift you have ever received?

Umm...I'd have to say the TV and DVD player my in-laws gave Lou and me for Christmas three years ago. We totally didn't ask for it, and it was a great surprise.

3. What was the worst gift you've ever given?

The tinsel Christmas Tree in a Yankee Swap a few years ago at my old job. The point was to bring the tackiest thing in your house that you had and put it in the box. Lou had gotten this thing from one of his clients, and it was just awful. So I put that in, and it ended up with a Jewish family.

4. Where will you be celebrating the holidays? Are you hosting? Going away?

Not hosting, though we will have friends over for Christmas Eve, I think. We go to Lou's parents Christmas morning after we open our presents, for breakfast and present-opening, then we head to my mom's for presents and food in the late afternoon.

We also have had friends over for New Year's Eve, since it's another friend's birthday and he and his wife always do something together.

5. If you could spend the holidays with someone who isn't around, who would it be with? Why?

I'd like to spend the holidays with my dad. He died when I was 15, and I never really got to know him.


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on December 20, 2002 10:36 PM.

The previous post in this blog was "Thank you, Captain Obvious".

The next post in this blog is Naked LEGO Jesus!.

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