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I wish I could be that talented drunk

In a recent post on her OTHER LiveJournal, Cassie Claire said:

Most overrated story of mine: The Very Secret Diaries. Is that even a story? I guess it is. I just can't believe that anything which took .05 seconds to produce and was mostly written drunk could be that good...
Hmm...maybe I should try writing drunk. Though I don't usually try to write funny stuff, so maybe that wouldn't help.

I know some of my readers hate fanfic to death or beyond, but if you can stand it, do read her Draco Trilogy. I'm dying to talk to non-fandom people about it. And she's right. It has gotten SO much better as it's gone along.

I still need to read Chapter 11. I hear it has a surprise/controversial ending. *chuckles*

Comments (1)

I think the VSD stuff may be so funny bacause it was written drunk. Alcohol loosens the inhibitions that get us to treat things like Tolkien as sacred cows. Barbecuing sacred cow can be really funny, and the general conceit (we're not heroes, we're horny assholes) is pretty good.

It's not quite in vino veritas--more like in vino humorous.

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