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Monday Mission 2.51

1. So, have you been naughty or nice this year? Both? Gimme details!

I've been nice. I'm rarely ever naughty. And no details, sorry!

2. Are there any Christmas television commercials that you look forward to each year?

Commercials? Oh, I love the cheese commercial where the girl left Santa cheese and got a ton of presents. I also love the old Staples commerical where everything is gift-wrapped, including the dog. I like new, inventive commercials. I hate the Lexus commercial, but I do like when the guy gets the dog to bring the keys to the woman on the couch. That's cool.

3. Are you the type that likes to know what you are getting as a present (do you rattle the boxes?) or do you like suprises?

I rattle the boxes just before I open them. Usually to check for LEGO.

4. Have you ever been scared of those "mall Santas?" Is there anything at "the mall" that does scare you?

No, and the food courts. Even though I eat there on occasion, they frighten me.

5. We've talked about Holiday foods you love, so what holiday foods do you hate?

Egg nog. Ick. Can't stand the nog.

6. Have you ever forgotten to buy someone a gift? How did that situation play out?

No, we're pretty good about that.

7. Describe (or post a pic of) the tackiest holiday yard decorations you've ever seen?

Edaville Railroad's Festival of Lights. Most especially the plains of Africa section.

Bonus: Can the people on TV see me or am I just paranoid?

You're just paranoid. But I'd wear the foil hat just to be sure.


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on December 27, 2002 7:25 PM.

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The next post in this blog is Year End Thumbs.

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