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Year End Thumbs

1. Acquaintances have come to visit, bearing an unexpected holiday gift. "Unexpected" as in, "You don't have one for them." What do you do?

Feel embarrassed, apologize, and send them something later. Probably something home-baked.

2. A dear family member has gifted you with something truly hideous, which would never, ever go with your decor, your lifestyle, or your aesthetic. What do you do with it?

Give it away to someone else, most likely. Or just pack it away. Or find out if they meant it as a joke, which is possible with my family!

3. It's Christmas Eve. Rushing into a store to pick up some last-minute gifts, you are accosted by a gent who, politely, spins a tale of woe for you about being short on the rent. He sounds convincing. What do you do?

Ignore him and keep moving. I've seen scams and am immune to them, as much as I can be. This would have to be a scam.


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on December 27, 2002 7:33 PM.

The previous post in this blog was Monday Mission 2.51.

The next post in this blog is Friday Five.

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