1. What is one thing you don't like about your body?
While I like the color of my eyes, I don't like how nearsighted I am.
2. What are two things you love about your body?
I love my long, thick hair and my height (just 1/4" shy of 5'10").
3. What are three things you want to change about your home?
Well, first I'd like to GET one. I don't consider the apartment a "home." But if we're going with the current apartment, it'd be this:
First, I'd want the stove to be gas, since we're heated by gas now.
Second, I'd want a larger bathroom.
Third, I'd want outer walls that don't slope inward as they go up, so we can put things against them without them taking up a significant more floor space than they ought to.
4. What are four books you want to read this year?
I don't know...I read whatever I like. That said, I would like to read Diana Gabaldon's latest two. I still have not read Drums of Autumn nor The Fiery Cross. I want to read Neil Gaiman's American Gods. And I want to start Terry Pratchett's Discworld series. Oh, and I want to finish Eric Flint's 1632, since I just couldn't get through the end, where I knew there was going to be a lot of deaths, after September 11, 2001. That's when I stopped reading it. I do want to get back to it, and now we have it in ebook format, thanks to Lou's Christmas present of War of Honor.
Oh, and I want to finish The Fifth Sorceress in eBook format on my Palm, too. That's by Robert Newcomb, and I got it free from Fictionwise last year. Hmm..well, I mentioned five by name, and then Terry Pratchett. That should do.
5. What are five promises you have kept to yourself?
Does this mean promises I haven't told anyone, or promises that I made to myself that I didn't break?
I don't make promises like the latter, nor the former, actually, now that I think about it. So, invalid question. Sorry.
(hmm..category is still not sticking in Kung-Log. Must report bug.)