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Monday Mission 3.03

1. Friday I wrote about "People I Can Do Without." How about adding to the list with a few people you can live without?

I can live without just about anyone. I'm a real loner-type, though I've been moving away from that in the past, oh, 10 years.

2. Have you ever felt like someone truly respected you? What does being respected mean to you personally?

Oh. Err. Urk. Umm...hmmmm. My husband, I hope. Other than that, people respect my knowledge, but I don't know that they do the whole me.

Being respected means that someone can understand where I'm coming from and treats me with that understanding. Respect.

Frell, that so sucks.

3. In (past or current) relationships, what is the "one thing" your partner would change about you if they could?

I think Lou would change that I always have to be right. But I always am, so there you are. ;)

4. Have you ever tried to change who you are to please someone? How did that turn out?

No, never. I can't imagine even attempting it. It's then not *me.*

5. Do you believe in love at first sight? Can it really happen?

Yes. But the best kinds of love are the ones that take time to build up.

6. Today is "Martin Luther King Jr. Day" in the United States. King's non-violent protests against unequal treatment of African-American people led to radical change in America, and ultimately, his assassination in 1968. How have Rev. King's accomplishments impacted or influenced your life?

Not much, alas, at least not directly.

7. In America, our President declared yesterday to be "National Sanctity of Life Day." While it enacts no change in policy or program, it does allow our country's leader to make a declarative statement about abortion. How do you feel when you hear about a government taking a position such as this?

Really pissed off. Keep your hands off my body, Mr. Bush.


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on January 21, 2003 2:27 PM.

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The next post in this blog is Always Remember: Look under the couch.

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