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Movie Inspired Game WISH

[still playing catch-up with the Game WISHes...]

What are three movies that have inspired you as a gamer? Would you recommend them to other gamers, and if so, what would you tell them to look for and/or hope for them to get?

For Amber, I must admit I am a Dangerous Liaisons fan. The Usual Suspects gets an honorable mention.

What to look for? Look for the deviousness of Valmont and Merteuil. Especially how Valmont falls into his own trap. Especially how Merteuil explains how she practiced smiling while stabbing herself with a fork. Duplicitiousness is in their nature. And when Valmont starts believing what he's selling...and Merteuil convinces him to leave his lady...and oh.

Spacey's just awesome in Suspects. So frelling believable, you can't help but buy everything he says to Kujan, hook, line, and sinker.

For fantasy, I'm going to have to go with The Barbarians. Twin bodybuilding brothers (from Rhode Island!) play barbarians on your typical fantasy quest. But some of the scenes are almost straight out of a roleplaying session! Really a spoof of Conan, it's just a very fun and funny movie.

Now, one more...inspired me, hmm?

Damn. I'm just going to have to go back to The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers. Aragorn is the penultimate ranger. Legolas is what a bowman should be like - and inspired my friends to try to create a character with exotic weapon proficiencies in arrows, so they could stab the bad guys as well as shoot them.


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