1. New Years resolutions: worthwhile modifier of personal behavior, or fruitless way to set yourself up for failure?
Fruitless. If you can't commit on your own, then committing once a year isn't going to change anything.
2. What should you have resolved for the New Year? Not what you did resolve, mind you, but what should you have resolved?
Committing or not to some games. I let a lot slide, and I shouldn't have. I should also have resolved to stop spending so bloody much!
3. You're suddenly able to send a brief message back to yourself on 1 January 2002. What would you say?
OMG!! The Two Towwers is sooo awesome! Too bad you have to wait until December to see it!
No, really, I'd tell myself to save some cash for the car repairs in November, and save vacation for the wedding in November, so I wouldn't use up everything then.