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PromoGuy's Monday Mission 3.04

1. Do you care for poetry? Do you have a favorite poem? Care to share some of it?

Poetry really isn't my thing. That said, I love Robert Frost's poems. Birches was the one I chose to read in high school Speech & Debate class. I didn't prepare enough for it, so I scored shitty.

2. What does it take to "rock your world?"

Anything. Everything. Gaah, there is so much. Let me sum up.

It has to hit my buttons, which are wide and varied. LotR rocked my world. Bujold's Curse of Chalion rocked my world. My husband repeatedly rocks my world. The Dixie Chicks' Traveling Soldier rocks my world.

Get it?

3. Have you ever done anything that landed you in financial trouble? Has somebody else's action ever caused you financial ruin? What happened?

When I got my first checking account, I never kept it balanced. And then I got a car. My car payments were late, often. I almost had it repossessed, but managed to squeak out of that one.

I've not gotten anyone else into financial ruin, unless you count dragging Lou into my debt as ruin. :)

4. Take a stroll down memory lane. There is a song, that every time you hear it, you think of this one person. What's the song, who is the person, and what memories does it conjure up?

College. There was a hallmate who hated me, for no reason. I guess I had moved into her territory, taken her friends as mine. Later, much later, she told me that she didn't know why she hated me so much, and we kinda moved beyond it. But I never really liked her, or trusted her.

While we were still on the outs, I heard Phil Collins' "In the Air Tonight." And every time I hear that song now, I think of her.

5. I've never cared for football, it was never on in the house growing up and I never developed a "taste" for it. But I've always felt like I "should" enjoy it, that I was deficient in some way because I never get excited about things like the Super Bowl (except for the commercials). Are there any occasions when you feel like you are missing out on something that everyone else seems to enjoy?

No, not really. I don't watch the SuperBowl, or much sports at all. But I don't feel like I'm missing something.

6. A few of the phrases that get under my skin are "take it to the next level" (which was used when I was told why I was being replaced at Fox by someone who could do that) and "you just don't get it" (always popular in relationship fights). What phrases "push your buttons" and why?

None that I can think of off the top of my head.

7. Do you believe in life after death? What do you believe happens when our time is up?

No, I don't think I do believe in life after death. I don't believe in heaven, or hell, either. I haven't really given it an extensive analysis, but I do think that there are ghosts and some sort of afterlife. I'm just not sure what.


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on January 27, 2003 3:01 PM.

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The next post in this blog is "too long i wanted my sister...".

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