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PromoGuy's Monday Mission 3.2

1. Have you ever bought something you were so excited about and found out later that it didn't work? Were you able to return it? How did it go?

I just bought my first ReplayTV, open box, and it was missing the IR blaster and serial cables. I did return it, and got another one, non-open-box, elsewhere.

2. I have a Palm (Pilot) for my date book and such, but have been thinking of jumping to the PocketPC world at some point. Do you have a PDA (personal digital assistant)? What kind, and how did you decide? What do you like about it? If you don't own one, do you want one or do you do better without such gadgets?

I have a Palm IIIc, a gift from my boss at work. It's work's Palm, not mine, but we had money we needed to spend, so she got me it.

Not much decision on my part here...just told by Kate to go to the Brown Computer Store and pick up two IIIc's, one for her, one for me.

I love that it's color, that I have a keyboard attachment for it, that I can have novels on it, and write novels on it (with Documents To Go), and also that it Helps Me with my Work. Can't forget to add that in.

3. What illness do you wind up catching more than any other?

Colds. The occasional sore throat. I've had pink eye a number of times in the past few years, and have never had it in my life prior to that.

4. Do you like going to see the Doctor (any type)?

Not a problem for me. It's not the highlight of my day, but I really like my doctors.

5. How about the Dentist? Do you like going? Do you go in every 6 months for a check-up?

I don't enjoy the dentist. I have dental phobia. But I've gotten over most of it, especially since my sister worked in a dentist's office for a while and I went to her boss, and my brother-in-law's brother (my sister's husband's brother) is a dentist, and is now my dentist. That has helped tremendously.

I do go twice a year for cleanings to Nina, one of his dental hygenists.

6. Are you a "Dog Person" or a "Cat Person?" Do you think a person's choice tells you something about their personality?

Cat person. I love dogs, don't get me wrong, but I am a cat person, through and through.

And yes, you can tell something about a person from what animal person they are.

7. I've mentioned before how me and a buddy of mine have just let our friendship lapse. There was no disagreement, but we've hit that point where we have nothing in common anymore. My life has progressed and he is still living in 1992. Have you ever had a friendship that just seems to have run its course? Where there is just nothing there anymore? What finally happened?

Yes, of course. Friends drift apart. It's life. People change, their interests change, and then they don't spend a lot of time together anymore.

My best friend from high school is someone I keep in touch with every now and then. We kept in better touch when she was playing in my once-a-month game, but even then it was rare. Now she has two children, I have none, and we don't have time nor a lot in common anymore. I still consider her a friend, and should probably call/email her more often, but I'm lazy and busy and so is she.


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on January 13, 2003 10:46 AM.

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