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Testing, Testing, one two three

I heard about this on SixApart, when I was browsing some old posts today. I had tried to use BlogScript to post to my blog, and it worked fine back when I was using Blogger, but it just didn't handle MT very well, especially with categories.

So, this post is my first test with the new tool. Mac OSX 10.2 or higher required.

Ooh, and it can insert an iTunes track! Ginger, have you been using this? I think I may need to play with the tags for that more, develop some new CSS tags...

Edit: Okay, so we have to figure out the convert line breaks thing, 'cause it ain't working. Also, it didn't pick the category...

Current Music: The Hurting from the album "The Hurting" by Tears For Fears.

Comments (3)

Hmm, I may have to look into that.

Unfortunately, I'm on Windows all day at work, so I'll just have to web post from there.

Ah, see, I'm on a Mac all day at work, and Windows at night. Hence the no-need for a charger for my iPod at work!

I've ordered the iTrip from Kensington, even though it's not due out until "Spring '03", along with a car charger. Now all I need is a better carrying case!

I have an iRock and am probably going to upgrade to the iTrip. We have the Dr. Bott car charger and are very happy with it.

I have my iPod plugged into the wall under my desk.

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This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on January 23, 2003 10:00 AM.

The previous post in this blog was Thursday's Thumbs.

The next post in this blog is Five Things Friday Five.

Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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