1. Have you ever been nominated for a blogging award? Which one? What happened?
Hell no! And if I had, I'd be hella surprised.
2. Would you like to be nominated for a blogging award? Why or why not?
No. I don't blog for awards. My blog is my personal stuff, not stuff any great import, except perhaps to those who know me. Besides, it'd mean I'd have to devote more time to it that I do already, and that's just too much.
3. Do you follow blogging awards? Why or why not? Has there ever been a nomination and/or award that surprised or disappointed you? Which one? Why?
I looked at the Bloggies last year, and voted I think. But I don't follow them. I mainly did it for Wil Wheaton.
4. How do you feel about blogging awards? Real? Fake? Valuable? Worthless? Share your thoughts, please.
Worthless. I just don't see the point. But I'm not into awards, so that's probably why.
5. If you could create any blogging award category, what would it be? Why? Who would you nominate? Why?
"Blog that looks best in Lynx and *insert latest browser here*". Because everyone (me included) does all this funky, fancy stuff, and I'd like to see a blog that looks good in Lynx *and* IE6, Netscape 4.7, etc. I have no idea who I'd nominate, but I know who I'd go to for assistance in the choosing. I know someone who uses Lynx to browse the web.
Current Music: Victim/Volunteer from the album "Attainable Love" by Christine Lavin