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Weekly Wrap-up #40

1. Why do you blog?

For fun, and to keep in touch with folks. This blog is for random bits that amuse me. The Weight Watchers blog is for me to keep track of my body and stay healthy. The Pop Culture blog started strong, but has faded. It's for me to post comments about movies, tv, pop culture, etc. And others to post too. But Brian's never posted, Meera did some great posts, and Anne's done a few. But I have dropped off considerably.

My Whitespace blog is for me to work on my writing. I am working on it, but I'm not posting things there for various reasons. I think I will start in February.

2. What do you blog about? Why?

Umm....see above. I always answer more than I am supposed to in earlier questions.

3. Who is your primary blogging audience? Why?

Umm..urk..my friends. I don't blog for popularity, I blog for fun. So those who find the things I do for fun might read it and enjoy it.

My WW Blog has done well for others who are trying to lose weight. We get a decent amount of comments from "outsiders."

4. What is your blogging philosophy? Why?

Don't have one. Don't really need one. I don't blog about work (much) or badmouth folks. I originally thought I might, but it's never really come up.

5. Have you ever stopped blogging or considered ending your blog? Why? What happened?

I've considered ending my pop culture blog because I haven't posted to it. Other than that, not really. My interest in it comes and goes, waxes and wanes. But I don't want to stop.

Comments (3)

MT Fierce:

Funny thing is, I came over here to read your comments because I was about to post on Pop Culture. (Game reviews: my parents picked up a PS2 for Christmas, so...)

And to add to that...

I have a place for RPG reviews, but I'm glad to have Pop Culture for "everything else." I was going to ask you to add a CD Review column, in fact, since I bought a few (I buy CDs really irregularly)...

There is a "Music" category, so go ahead and use that!

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This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on January 31, 2003 10:03 AM.

The previous post in this blog was Friday Five.

The next post in this blog is Movie Inspired Game WISH.

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