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Monday Mission 3.10

1. What is the most boring project you have ever had to do?

I worked as a temp on a job where we were taking hospital records off of cards and entering them into a computer database. It wasn't really records, more like doctor's and patient's names, I think.

That was really boring. I liked it at the time, though. It allowed my mind to wander and be free, yet I stayed on task.

2. If you could be anyone or anything you wish, who or what would you want to be? Why?

I'd want to be me, but I want to have enough money to do what I want without working. So I want to be rich. Why? You have to ask?

3. What is one thing you refuse to ever put in your mouth?

Coffee. Yuck, ick, ptooey!

4.If you could film a documentary about yourself and have yourself followed for 1 day, what would that day look like? And why?

Boring, boring, boring. Get up, go to work, sit at desk all day, with occasional wanderings about to fix various things. Home, probably a gaming session, TV watching, or bed.

5. What is the longest distance you have ever traveled to meet someone for the first time (blind date, blogger meet-up, etc). Was it worth the trip?

Oh geez...that would be Miami, for MiamiCon. Early in the days of the Gamers Forum (or late in the days, before it split into multiple forums), they had yearly conventions. I went to MiamiCon to meet up with people. Met a boyfriend there as well. He's getting married this weekend, and Lou and I are heading to the wedding.

Was it worth it? Yes, it was.

6. What do people usually assume about you that isn't true?

I have no idea. I don't know what people assume about me.

Umm...that I'm nice? I'm really rather bitchy, actually. I put on a good front most of the time. Poor Lou's the only one to see the nasty me, most of the time.

7. What are you craving for lunch today?

White Cheddar Popcorn!!!


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on March 11, 2003 11:57 AM.

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