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Monday Mission 3.XX

1. How old will you be on your next birthday?


2. One of the presents I was given for my birthday was a "George Foreman Grill." I've always joked about them, so it was kind of a joke gift. But it turns out, it is a really neat little grill. Then it hit me, this is a gadget, except it is for the kitchen. Then I thought about it and realized that "gadgets" aren't just techno-toys, gadgets are everywhere. What is your favorite gadget?

My iPod, followed closely by my Swiss Army Knife and my Palm IIIc.

3. Tell me about someone that you lost touch with several years ago. Would you like to get back in touch with them again? What caused the separation? Has enough time passed? Would you still get along?

I'd like to get back in touch with some online friends I've lost touch with. We just stopped moving in the same circles, and got busy. I don't think we'd not get along, but we might have to have a time of adjustment, to see if we got along again.

4. I've not met many online friends in real-life (I.R.L.), but I've always assumed we'd get along great if we met. But then again, if we would since my online personality (brash, outgoing) seems so different from how I see my RL offline version (introverted). Is there a difference between your online personality and your real-life version? Or are you pretty much the same person either way?

I'm pretty much the same in person as I am online. I've been online for so long, and have met folks that I'd only known online, that there really is no difference for me.

5. Being the quiet type, I have often felt like the online world has given me a greater chance to meet people I'd never meet IRL. In fact, I would bet that I would have never met any of you IRL if we had been in the same bookstore or coffee shop. So in that sense, I think the Internet has helped inter-personal communication for many people. Can you think of any ways that the Internet hinders person-to-person communication? What could we do to change things?

Nuances can be left out of internet communication. Smileys only go so far.

There's not a lot we can do, except ask for clarification first before going off on a rant or a flame.

6. Last night, about 1AM I was overcome with this amazing sense of inner peace. I hadn't prayed, or done anything spiritual, yet, I felt like life was truly good and things could only get better. It seemed like I was given a mental "nudge" as if to say, "You're doing great kid, stay with it and everything will keep getting better." When was the last time you felt truly happy, or had that sense of perfect inner-peace? What does it take to get that feeling back when you need it?

I don't know...maybe driving at the Cape last month, when Lou and I were doing our usual trip out to Provincetown.

I don't tend to "bliss out" often.

7. There are times when I just want to tell someone off. I don't usually, since I have to work with them. Sometimes it is a family member and that would be even worse on down the road if I cut loose. If you could just verbally let loose on someone and be able to say anything you want, without repercussions, who would you say it to and what would you say?

Sorry, not going there.


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on March 31, 2003 10:28 PM.

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The next post in this blog is Email host advice needed.

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