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Thursday Thumb-Twiddler

1. When someone compliments you, do you usually accept it, or suggest that you don't really deserve it?

I say that I don't really deserve it. I'm not that good with compliments, unless I really *know* that something was good.

2. Would you rather be overdressed for a social occasion (a party, let's say), or underdressed?

Underdressed. I prefer to be relaxed, even if no one else is. And if I'm overdressed, it's more difficult to fit in, I think.

3. A cop pulls you over, and is going to write you a $100 speeding ticket. If he indicated that if you slipped him $50 in cash, he'd give you a pass, would you do so? Would it make any difference whether you'd actually been speeding or not?

Heh...I don't even *HAVE* $50 in cash on me most times. No, I wouldn't. Not even if I was speeding. I'd be afraid he'd write the ticket anyway and then I'd have to pay $150.

Besides, I never speed.

*laughs and laughs and laughs*


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on March 6, 2003 9:47 AM.

The previous post in this blog was Roger Ebert on Prayer.

The next post in this blog is Not your typical hobbit.

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