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Weight Watchers Recipe Cards

Weight Watchers recipe cards, circa 1974

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[Edited to say, May not be Work Safe. Your friends may come by and wonder at what you are sniggering. Be Warned.

Trackback turned on as well.]

Comments (5)


EVIL Julia! Making Jack giggle so loudly people around come and ask what's so funny... EVIL!


Ow! OW!

I mean, I knew that 1974 was scary - I was around for it. In fact, I have pictures. (Of me. At 12. In a freakin' NEHRU JACKET, fer chrissakes. Which is why I KNOW that 1974 was scaaarrryyyyy...)

But this was, like, just...ow. I'm with Jack here - people at work are looking at me strangely and edging away right now.

Nonono - I mean MORESO than usual!

Bad Julia - baaaaad Julia, I say!

So, I should put a "not work safe" warning on it?


Luckily, I was at home when I read this. Also lucky I did not have a mouth full of anything liquid.


My Mom was on WW in 1974, but never made any of these that I am aware of. However, I do remember there was a weekly fish and liver requirement in the program back then, which may explain the preponderance of those recipes.

But for god's sake, couldn't they have just done liver and onions like everyone else???


It loses all its EVIL if there's a warning.

Why give up the EVIL?

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