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"I like it."

The new Hulk trailer is out.

I have to admit, you really can tell the Hulk is CGI. That doesn't mean I won't go see it, of course.

::sings quietly, "Doc Bruce Banner, pelted by gamma rays, turns into the Hulk..."::

[Edited to include the MP3 version of the original song. Is it Pelted or Belted? You make the call!]

Comments (5)

One of the things a comic-loving friend of mine said about it was that it was really great to see the Hulk throwing the tank. It's totally unrealistic, but that's how the Hulk is supposed to be, and he likes the fact that the movie approximates the comic book.


Flinging the tank around by the barrel is just classic Hulk mayhem. Great to see the movie will follow the comic here now the scaled-down Hulk of TV.

Oh... and I think that's "pelted by gamma rays".


Damn now/not typo!

Just show what I *meant* to say, stupid computer!

I thought it was pelted too. I did a brief web search and saw a "belted" reference, but didn't go any further in checking.

Will fix.


Yeah, you can really see the CGI in places - but I have to admit I'd rather see obvious CGI than a guy in a Hulk suit.

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