1. Would you rather impress or influence others? Why? Which do you tend to do more than the other?
Influence. I'm not overly concerned with appearances, or at least I try not to be. I'd rather have had an influence (positive, I hope!) on someone, which would be longer lasting, than to impress them, which may not last beyond the immediate meeting.
Plus, I've got that whole evil influence thing going on...
2. Are you able to admit your weaknesses to others? How do you handle your weaknesses? Can you accept them and see them as a strength? (Do you strive to overcome them? etc.)
No, I have difficulty with that. I don't like to see myself as less than perfect, even though I know I am not. I also can (tend to) overreact, when I'm criticized. I have tried to change myself for the better. I hope some of it has actually worked...
3. How do you react when you are bossed around, treated as inferior or taken advantage of?
Not well. I was the one who told Lou, long ago, that he was being taken advantage of by his friends. I have a pretty good radar for that happening, and avoid it at all costs.
4. Do you live your life to meet your own needs, or do you live to meet the needs of others? Why?
Own needs. Definitely, own needs. Well, let me clarify. Own needs and that of my husband. When I answered "own," I really meant the both of us.
5. This is your Mission on Mondays, but what is your mission in life?
To live well and happily.
6. Can you focus on your goals and achieve them, or are you sidetracked by minor distractions along the way?
Yes, and yes. Depends on the goal and how much I want to achieve it. I can be distracted very easily. If the goal is something I don't really want to do, then I have my avoidance behavior and I do everything BUT the thing I need to do.
Actually, that's not entirely true. Sometimes I want to do the task, but I still avoid it. But at least I know and can recognize this behavior!
7. When was the last time you cried? What were you feeling at that moment (anger, sadness, etc.)?
Oh geez, I very nearly cried Saturday while we were at the movies! And it wasn't even the movie that did it to me, but a trailer before it. I forget what it was now, but I got all teary.
Then I was reading this story on Saturday evening and I got all teary from that, too. Hormones affecting me right now, I think.
But a really good cry, more than just teary? When I rewatched Farscape's series finale while transferring it to tape. D'Argo's scream got me going again.
All sadness. I don't tend to cry from anger. I can cry from laughing too much, though, and nearly did that this weekend, too!
Damn hormones.
And before anyone asks, no, I'm not pregnant!