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Monday Mission 3.15

1. When I was a kid, I used to always get Strep Throat. I seemed to get it every year. Are there any illnesses that you seem more susceptible to than others?

Not more susceptible, no. I do get colds every now and then. I have one now, alas. I'm hoping it doesn't develop into something more, my boss is on vacation until next Wednesday!

2. A recent poll stated that "Michael" and "Ashley" are the number one baby names in New York. (However, in Oklahoma it seems like there are two or three girls named "Madison" everywhere you go). What are your favorite boy and girl names? What names do you think are trendy or overused? If you have children, would you give them the same name if you had another chance?

See, I get to name my RPG characters, so I get to use names I like a lot. And then have to make sure that any children I might have don't have a bad connotation associated with them, whether it be one of mine or a fellow player's character.

That said, I don't have a favorite name, male or female. I do think that Britney (in whatever spelling) is trendy, along with all those 80's names (Tiffany is another example) and overused. I think it's tragic that Justin has become very trendy and overused, too. Blasted pop stars!

3. Any current songs on the radio (or elsewhere) that you think are pure crap? Why don't you like it?

I don't like some of the country songs that are "pro-war." Darryl Worley did a good song ("I Miss My Friend"), then the next few that have been out Lou and I aren't pleased with. "Have You Forgotten?" and "Family Tree" are the two in particular that we don't like.

4. I used to play the trumpet in High School. I was never very good and always seemed to be last chair. I tried to play it again last week and it was a pretty sad sight. Can you (now or in your youth) play any musical instruments? Do you still play?

As I said in the most recent Friday Five, I played clarinet in fifth grade, but nothing else. I can sight-read a little, and I know where the notes are on a piano.

I also sang. The voice is an instrument.

5. What is the most recent self-improvement program (fitness, weight loss, learning something new) that you began? Did you stick with it? Why or why not?

I do Weight Watchers. I've stuck with it for over three (four?) years now. I've been lax since late last year, but I've managed to stay only a few pounds over goal.

6. How would you look in a Hooters uniform?
- provided by Hootress

Like shit.

7. Have you ever had a dream where you interacted with a celebrity (sex or otherwise)? What happened?
- provided by Kat Lively

I'm sure I did, but I don't recall it. I don't tend to remember my dreams after a few days.


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on April 14, 2003 11:24 AM.

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