1. If you could script the basic plot for the dream you will have tonight, what would it be?
Oh, I don't know. Maybe one where I could change my shape into an animal (or more than one) and fly around above everything and look down. Just 'cause I could. That'd be fun.
2. What one thing do you personally believe all people should do or experience at least once in their lifetime, just to say they've done it?
Ride a roller coaster.
3. If you knew it would, within twenty years, halve the incidence of violent crime, would you want to eliminate all physical violence from television and film?
No, I don't think I would. There would still be violent crime; it wouldn't eradicate it entirely.
Plus, I love the violence in film every now and then. It's a good stress reliever. Fight Club, anyone?
Besides, you'd have to take it out of cartoons, too. And that would be bad.