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iTrip & Weekend Fun

So, my iTrip arrived on Friday. Too bad I was already on my way to The Black Road and couldn't use it, but I expect it will start getting more use now.

Unfortunately, it looks like it was designed for use with the original iPods, that didn't have covers for the FW port. So I'll either have to turn it to the side or force the cover to be open a bit more than I would like. *sighs* Also got a FW power adapter, though it's unnecessary in the Matrix, as it has the power converter. But we'll be taking the van to North Carolina, which doesn't have the converter and will be the place where we'll be likely to use an iPod for the longest period of time.

The Black Road was a lot of fun, even if I did see my husband in all the game slots he played in, and I did game with almost the same group the entire weekend. :) This is my last year being involved with the con. Con Chair for two years, and web slave for the past two, I've just burned myself out on Amber (though am not letting go totally) and really just didn't want to be involved anymore. Hopefully a year break will revitalize me enough that I will attend next year. I mean, I had fun this year, right? Even if I didn't really play in any "traditional" Amber games.

And I was quite pleased that the Apology Pigs managed to make their way from the Friday night slot into many other game slots. Lou played an excellent Zim, and I had fun as Dib. Also played in Jack's Amberclaw, which used dice (Horrors!!), and was a good first try. I think it could be better with a bit more work (but who was expecting Caine to hijack the plot?), but it appears Jack is trying for something else next year, which could also be a lot of fun.

Comments (3)

I have the original iPod (5 GB model) and I'm thinking about getting the iTrip. The iRock simply isn't strong enough to override the fog of Houston radio in the spectrum it uses, although it's fine in the boonies.

I will definitely let you know how it works out, and if it's worth it.


Loved watching you and Lou play Dib and Zim. Muchly entertaining.

And the apology pigs were everywhere... sort of... great meme...

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