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Monday Mission 3.17

1. Postmodernism (a popular philosophy of the current day) indicates that there are as many "truths" as there are people; nothing is absolute (however, by its very nature, even the word 'Postmodernism" resists definition). For yourself, what truths are absolute? Are there any absolute truths in the Universe?

I took extra days to think about this one, and I still have no idea what to reply. So I'm skipping this one.

2. Do you believe that you are still "teachable?"

Yes. Very much yes.

3. To do something well, in most situations, requires study and practice. What's the most recent thing that you have done well as a result of study and practice.

I wish I could say my writing, but I have been so lagging on that lately. So I'm going to have to say working with computers in general. Software, hardware, all things. I've worked with CSS, I've used Photoshop, I've installed OSX.

4. If you had the time/money, what do you want to lean how to do more than anything?

Fly a plane.

5. Those around us may often try to intervene, but ultimately each individual is responsible for the choices they make in life. Tell me about a recent situation where you had a decision to make, and those around you tried to influence or direct you. Were they successful? Was that "help" welcomed?

Well, we bought a car a few weeks ago! But that wasn't really my decision. It was a dual-decision, but Lou was primary on it. I can't think of another one right now. Geez, I'm really sucking at this MM this week.

6. Things are much easier to accept when they are given by invitation rather than being forced upon us. When was the last time you rejected something because it was forced on you? How did it happen? Did you hold a grudge about it? Was it ever resolved?

Can't think of a time. Not that it hasn't happened, because I know it has. But nothing is coming to mind.

And yes, I hold grudges. For quite a long time, actually.

7. Are you the sort of person who questions everything, or are you able to accept things without someone providing you tangible proof?

Depends on the person and the situation. Some people I will accept things freely, others cause me to question. But in general, I'm more of a questioner than not.


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on May 1, 2003 10:22 AM.

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The next post in this blog is Not so missing after all.

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