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Monday Mission 3.18

1. Are there any confrontations you have been avoiding that you know you will eventually have to deal with? What's that all about?

Not particularly now, no. There was the time when I was going to run into my sister-in-law after she'd told my brother-in-law that she didn't want to be married to him anymore. I wasn't sure how I was going to react. It turned out that I was politely friendly, but we didn't see each other much (thankfully!), and I won't have to see her again, if I can help it!

2. When was the last time you surprised yourself by being more brave than you ever thought you could be?

I can't really recall a time. Not recently, anyway. I'm not called on to be brave often.

3. You know that sickly feeling you get when are speeding and out of the corner of your eye you realize you just passed a hidden police car? It is that "deer-caught-in-the-headlights" feeling, where you are so busted there is no way out. When was the last time you were in a situation like that?

Heh. At work, I was bitching to my boss about a co-worker, and he sort of walked in on it. I had finished, but he might have heard. She helped me out of the situation by throwing it wide open (which freaked me out, honestly), but it was probably for the best.

4. One of the things I've had to do recently, is clean out my attic. I have an amazing amount of things I've collected over the years, and I am almost embarrassed that I still have so much of it. I realized that I may as well sell it, since it does me no good in the attic, and when I die, my family will probably sell it for a dollar a pound at a garage sale anyway. May as well enjoy the money now. Do you have any things stored away that you just can't get rid of but will probably of no sentimental value to anyone once you are gone? Why do we hang on to that stuff? Do you think you could sell or auction it off?

Hells yes. I'm sentimental. But most of my stuff is junk. I have very little of value, except to me.

5. I've become the resident Handler at the house. Got bugs? Call me! Flies, ants, spiders, I'm your man. Vomit? Dog Poo? Toilet overflow? Yep, I get it all clean. Not much bothers me in that area, and I am glad really to be someone you can rely on. But the one thing that does make me squirm are injuries. Stitches, incisions, bloody puss-laden bandages, heavily scabbed areas, all that just about does me in. What are some of the things you have a strong stomach for, and what are some of the things that can turn your stomach?

I'm pretty good about most "gross" things. A lot depends on the mood I'm in, and the purpose. I don't squick easily. I once cleaned a co-worker's wound because it creeped her out, and she couldn't do it herself. It was neat - a little hole in her arm, covered in gauze. I wanted to look at it more.

6. I am at the point where I am going to have to make some tough decisions about the future of this blog. I think this sort of moment comes to all bloggers at some point. For me, I am not very good at managing my obsessions (read as: things I enjoy passionately). Eventually they get too much focus and something that once was good begins to impact my life in negative ways. Something's got to give. Have you ever been involved in an experience that started out as something good and enjoyable but eventually became destructive and bad for your health (mentally or physically)?

Yes. Back when I was a SysOp on RPGames, I burned out. Not really the same thing as destructive, but it became bad for my mental health, for me to continue. I finally quit.

I also obsess a bit about some fandoms. Harry Potter, starting last year at about this time, and now I'm in the middle of a full-fledged X-Men passion. Not destructive yet, but I've seen others get that way. I'm pretty good about avoiding that end of things.

I'm also a bit obsessive about being online. :)

7. Do you believe in evolution or creationism or something else?

Evolution. Too much of a scientist at heart.


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on May 8, 2003 9:25 PM.

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