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Weekly Wrap-Up #54

1. How much hair did you have when you were born?

No clue. Probably a little bit.

2. Share a hair memory from childhood.

I had long hair, like I do now. It used to turn up in banana curls. But I never pulled it back, and it would fall forward into my food. My mom always threatened to tie it under my chin, and one time, she did it. It didn't stay, but it was quite amusing.

Now I can't imagine not pulling it back when I eat!

3. How do you style your hair now? How much time to do you spend on caring for your hair?

It's long, about mid-back, with bangs. I don't spend a lot of time on my hair, but I do care for it. I often braid it up or pull it back, or tuck in into my shirt, which always makes people think I got it cut.

4. Describe your worst hair day? What happened?

When I had my hair cut short, to match my friend Kris'. It was the 80s. She had this neat, short haircut, which feathered back from her head. I wanted that.

Do you remember my comment above about my curly hair? Yeah, it didn't feather. It went every which way it wanted to. It looked awful. I grew it out and vowed to never get it cut short again.

But I did have a tail then, behind my right ear. That part didn't get cut, and it got braided every day.

5. What's the best and worst thing about your hair? Why?

I have a high forehead, so I pretty much need to have bangs. But they don't want to go where I want them to go, so they look awful pretty quickly. I don't wash my hair every day, which means very quickly my bangs go wonky and won't behave. Alas and alack.


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