« But it's in California!!! | Main | Think you can do Marvel better? »

Well, yes, I'm still busy, why do you ask?

I hate it when I don't have enough entries on the front page and the formatting gets all screwy. Makes me want to do a bunch of tests and memes to fill it all out.

So, I meant to post something Wednesday about my new co-worker, but I didn't have a chance. Then I was going to do something yesterday, and didn't have the time. And now today...same thing.

Night-time has been filled with games and time spent with the husband and chatting online for more games. I've never done a LJ RPG before...they are quite different from all other RPGs I've run into before. Much less GMage. I'm still getting used to having to run my own plots. It's not bad, just...different.

I'm helping Lisamarie with an install of MT tomorrow. Should really confirm that with her tonight. But Lou and I are going to try to catch a flick tomorrow some time, so we need to decide what and when.

Now, it's time for lunch.


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on May 30, 2003 12:01 PM.

The previous post in this blog was But it's in California!!!.

The next post in this blog is Think you can do Marvel better?.

Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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