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Chloraseptic Memories

Was going to make this a comment on Dave's post, but decided to put it here while I eat my lunch.

We used Chloraseptic constantly when I was in choir in high school. It went down like water...once you braced yourself for it.

After a while, you got used to it. You wanted it. I even kept a bottle when I was out of high school, but I slowly weaned off the stuff. Haven't touched it in years.

Now, I can't see a bottle without thinking of Mr. Crowley and the "Brisk! It's Brisk!" comments he used to make when we were forced to practice in the unheated auditorium in the middle of a New England winter.

Ah, the good old days...

NP: The Man Comes Around from the album "American IV: The Man Comes Around" by Johnny Cash


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