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Lou says I'm a nut. Are you a nut too?

So, anyone out there going to a midnight sale of the newest Harry Potter book, or am I the only idiot out here in the blogosphere?

Finally found our copy of Goblet of Fire today. Right in the (near) open, too. Must have gone unnoticed because it actually had the dustjacket on it. Won't have time for a full reread, alas, but I will do some skimming.

Comments (4)

My mother is, along with my sisters. I haven't decided yet if I'll go with them. My mom reserved 3 copies and I _know_ there will still be a tussle. (That I'll win, 'cause I read faster than any of 'em. Hah!)


Pre-child - I would be right there with you.

Me, I'm just hoping my cataloger friend works on his second job until midnight on Friday. Sometimes he does - and if he does - I will be paying him a visit to check out my copy :)


Quite willing to wait until today's mail for my copy (which arrived right on time... actually, while I was off seeing the Hulk).

Reading now (well, typing now in brief dinner break from reading)...


So. Are you now a happy sated idiot?

Is the book good?

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