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Dean Fundraiser at home of old boss

Dean gets old-fashioned fundraiser [free registration required]

So far, Dean has received contributions from 93,000 on-line supporters at an average of about $80 each. Last night's fundraiser at the home of Jennifer and Joesph Gould -- two top administators at St. George's -- had a minimum donation of $250 and drew about 175 for wine and canapes under a billowing white tent on a pleasant summer evening.
Gotta love the Projo. Misspelling the first name of my old boss. But it does make me wonder what position Jen has at the school. When I left, she wasn't working there. Ah, a quick check of the website reveals all. She's a gift coordinator.

By the way, though it's not mentioned in the article, Dean did attend St. George's, like most of his siblings. Not quite sure if he graduated like the others did, but I do know he went there.


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