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LotR to be re-released!

From Variety, which is a paid subscription website so I'm not going to link to it, comes this news:

New Line Cinema will re-release The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring and The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers, with additional scenes and footage added, just two weeks before the worldwide December 17 release of The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King.

More info in the cut. Now I just need to find a place that is going to show them all on the 16th. A place with comfortable seats. Oh yes.

The plan calls for putting the films on 100-150 screens in the top 10 U.S. markets. Many other U.S. cities will have one cinema participating in the special extended edition screenings. Running times for the extended editions are 208 minutes for "Fellowship of the Ring" and 214 minutes for "The Two Towers."

Advanced ticket sales are scheduled to begin in late September or early October on exhibitor Web sites and movie ticketing sites like Fandango, MovieFone and Movietickets.com.

Starting the week of Dec. 5, the extended DVD cut of "Fellowship of the Ring" will be released in some 100 or so theaters in the U.S. and in 20 theaters in Canada.

Then, the week of Dec. 12, "The Two Towers" will be released, leading up to a worldwide Dec. 16 daylong marathon, during which all three films will be shown back-to-back. The screenings that day will include a 3 p.m. showing of "Fellowship" followed by a 7 p.m. screening of "Two Towers" and then an 11 p.m. screening of "Return of the King," which will carry over into Dec. 17 -- the day of its global release.

Comments (2)


hey do you know if the Two Towers/ Fellowship released on dec 5th and dec. 12 are going to be like the exetended edtions released in Nov. Or is there going to be new neverbefore seen footage?

No, but I'm sure you can find out by going to The One Ring.Net

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