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Talk about clutter!

Did you know that the album art is somehow stored on an iPod?

I put album art in iTunes using Clutter this morning, on Ginger's recommendation.

And suddenly, Euterpe couldn't hold all the playlists she'd just been holding.

Quoi? I wondered. I removed a playlist, and then my entire iTunes list resynched.

Everything I'd added art to, suddenly was "new" on Euterpe, and needed to be re-added. Adding in more album art later proved that I needed to lose another playlist.

This is just annoying! There is NO WAY to view the art on the iPod, so why does it add to the size of the song?

Not Happy. Other than having almost all my cover art now in iTunes, that is. I'm happy about that.

NP: Tennessee from the album "Fat City" by Shawn Colvin

Comments (3)

Wow, that's all news to me. Sorry my tip screwed you up. I haven't had any trouble with my iPod that way, but I add art as I go, so I would have been unlikely to notice it.

You don't have to import the art into iTunes to have it in Clutter, though, so you could fix things back the way they were and get the space back on your iPod.


That's because the art isn't added to some seperate iTunes database - it's actually added to the mp3/aac files. Don't believe me? Take one of your art-added MP3s, move it to another Mac, and the album art is there!

And iPod synchronization just copies the files over (with a little renaming to accomodate the iPod OS).

So add art to 100 files. Say the art is a 5k image. That's 500k added. And I'd wager that it's actually more - since I kinda doubt they're using JPG/PNG/GIF to store the art, and more likely using TIFF.

Ginger, it's okay. It wasn't a bash against Clutter, but more against iTunes. I guess I wasn't expecting it, and I do keep my iPod filled to the max. *sighs*

Jim, I'll have to try that with the Windows machine at home with iTunes. I already copied all the ripped music off of the work computer and brought it home once, let's see if it will work twice! This time with Art!

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