I think I need a "geek" category...
All about the geeking today when I opened email today and found two messages from /., telling me my comment was moderated as interesting by a few people!
Lou just didn't get it.
And my laptop has been consigned to CompUSA (the one in North Attleboro, I won't go back to the one in Warwick for all the tea in China...and I adore tea). They say they'll give me an estimate before they start work. Here's hoping it won't be too much. 3-7 days before they tell me, I think.
So I'm using a 12" iBook borrowed from work, for use also while I'm in NYC next week. I really like the size of this, but the screen, I'm finding, is maybe just a tad bit too small for me and daily use.
I'm also giving Safari a week to convince me to switch from Camino. I don't think I will switch (and I do have Camino on the laptop), but we'll give it a go.