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I already knew that Curt Schilling, the Red Sox new ace pitcher, was a pretty neat guy. I mean, he owns Multi-Man Publishing, which publishes Advanced Squad Leader. And he's doing some really funny Dunkin Donuts commercials. Hearing him practice saying "Wicked Hard" in a New England/Boston accent is quite amusing.
And now, thanks to /., I find that last year he got two home runs scored on him because he killed a former teammate's Everquest character.
I think I'm going to have to fork over the cash to go to a Sox game this year. When Curt's pitching, of course.
In case you hadn't heard, "Weird Al" Yankovic's parents died on April 9th, from carbon monoxide poisoning. Al has spoke up via this, letting us know that he's not cancelling his tour, and where donations can be made in memory of his parents.
I just wish his tour came closer to us. I'd get a ticket.
Just so you know, Mr. Gulick, I do log all our conversations, by default. Do you consent?
Courtesy of a friend on LJ
Today, I saw in my Eudora junk mailbox, an email with the subject line of.
Obtain degrees from Prestigious non-accredited Universities..
I immediately transferred it to the trash, but then I went back and looked at it again.
Prestigious non-accredited Universities
Hmm...non-accredited. Prestigious. Somehow, I don't think these two go together. So I IMd Anne, and then went into the trash and opened up the message.
Lo and behold, the entire subject line was this!
Obtain degrees from Prestigious non-accredited Universities.. platonist ellsworth bootes declaratory lanka martinson peephole brew wooster dieldrin cockeye flourish un garish link woke insight amble everett wholly traverse chin curricular impend irrelevant soak tenney parke livestock
Irrelevant soak tenney, indeed! Flourish un garish sounds like some German band.
But we're not done yet! At the bottom of the message, past all the info on getting that prestigious non-accredited degree, there was this block of text.
frescoes destruct incline alpheratz begrudge accelerometer quintic jittery avenue versatec mound swan cartographer abacus perspire moravia rapture institution status confirmatory aeolian disjunct seismic alienate kiss quirk prop revel elmer bellum boycott awaken dalton massive conjecture precess accompanist gangplank smash halpern hew calla pig ampex agreeable guinea eventuate frantic barre counterargument district chianti provide winnie oakwood curtail officious factory brenner ama yard lackadaisic barcelona tumbrel dickinson hock clap gusset babe egret mandamus coralline nonagenarian o'donnell satanic suppression dutch
I say unto you...quoi??
This morning, Lou went out to get his car inspected and the oil changed. I stayed home, and just before Lou got back, I switched the station from Teen Titans (which had just fininshed) to Baby Animals and their Fuzzy Friends on the local PBS station. It's cute, a great fundraiser for PBS no doubt, and the classical music is soothing.
Lou comes in, and after some chatter and an attempt to find Artemis (successful), he sits down in his chair and pulls out the laptop. I've got my laptop on, and am checking LJ, occasionally looking up at the TV.
And finally, in the last five minutes of the program, my eye catches on Athena. Sitting in front of the TV, her head swiveled up, to look at it.
She's watching the TV. Literally. Watching the baby animals frolick about, turning her head only when they change from one segment to another, and then goes back to watching. And listening.
I tried really hard to contain my laughter. My first instinct is to pop up and grab the digital camera I borrowed from work. But I know that will disturb her, and she'll likely stop watching so intently. I hold in the laughter while pointing her out to Lou, who sees what I see. And eventually, the program ends and I let loose with chuckles that make my eyes water.
Eventually, she gives up since the baby animals aren't coming back, and wanders off.
But now I'm wondering...should I Replay this or find out if it's available on DVD, so I can buy it for my cat??
without pants. No Pants Day.
Remember Vicks Vaporub as a kid? That horrible, menthol, smelly ointment your mom would smear on your chest when you were a kid, to help clear your stuffy nose?
Well, now they have it in a cream version.
We'd bought it a while ago, when Lou had a chest cold. And with my current cold (started as a sore throat on Friday, and by Sunday I was trying to not talk much because Lou said I kept "squeaking"), moving from my throat UP to my nose (aren't these things supposed to do this IN REVERSE??), I have been using the cream at night, to help me breathe a little bit.
I must say, this stuff still works. Better than any cough drop I take, or other medicine, this cream clears up my nose (only one nostril, alas, the other was far too blocked to be even moved a little bit by the powerful menthol) within a few whiffs of its pungent aroma.
I just have to keep Athena from licking me, since she's the one for weird tastes (like licking Blistex off my fingers). And maybe go see a doctor, if it keeps up.
Earlier this afternoon the state legislature of Virginia ratified a bill that would outlaw any “partnership contract or other arrangements that purport to provide the benefits of marriage.”
Courtesy of Gay Straight Alliance.
Just remember, today is Free Cone Day at your local Ben & Jerry's ice cream shop.
Tonight is Free Scoop Night at Baskin Robbins.
The Marriage Affirmation Act was passed by a vote of 69-30 in the House, and 27-12 in the Senate, just missing the 1/3 vote in each house to kill the bill.
Some of the best commentary I've found is here. I don't think "insane troll logic" in the comments is insane enough to describe what has happened in Virginia.
Yahoo! News - Maine recognizes same-sex pertnerships
Of course, my FAVORITE thing about this article is the misspelling in the title. And in the footer.
But...Go Maine! *roots*
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May 2004 is the next archive.
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