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Spam, we get spam...

Today, I saw in my Eudora junk mailbox, an email with the subject line of.

Obtain degrees from Prestigious non-accredited Universities..

I immediately transferred it to the trash, but then I went back and looked at it again.

Prestigious non-accredited Universities

Hmm...non-accredited. Prestigious. Somehow, I don't think these two go together. So I IMd Anne, and then went into the trash and opened up the message.

Lo and behold, the entire subject line was this!

Obtain degrees from Prestigious non-accredited Universities.. platonist ellsworth bootes declaratory lanka martinson peephole brew wooster dieldrin cockeye flourish un garish link woke insight amble everett wholly traverse chin curricular impend irrelevant soak tenney parke livestock

Irrelevant soak tenney, indeed! Flourish un garish sounds like some German band.

But we're not done yet! At the bottom of the message, past all the info on getting that prestigious non-accredited degree, there was this block of text.

frescoes destruct incline alpheratz begrudge accelerometer quintic jittery avenue versatec mound swan cartographer abacus perspire moravia rapture institution status confirmatory aeolian disjunct seismic alienate kiss quirk prop revel elmer bellum boycott awaken dalton massive conjecture precess accompanist gangplank smash halpern hew calla pig ampex agreeable guinea eventuate frantic barre counterargument district chianti provide winnie oakwood curtail officious factory brenner ama yard lackadaisic barcelona tumbrel dickinson hock clap gusset babe egret mandamus coralline nonagenarian o'donnell satanic suppression dutch

I say unto you...quoi??

Comments (2)


A lot of these messages are just spam tests trying to find words or combinations of words that get past spam filters. Often, by opening them, you'll trigger back some sort of hit to a server or response that tells them it got past the filter.


Oh, I know that...sorry to mislead.

And I always have images turned off, which, AFAIK, is the only way they know if you opened the message, no?

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This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on April 14, 2004 2:11 PM.

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The next post in this blog is My cat is watching TV.

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