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How am I using MT?

They want to know what we're doing with MT, it seems. How we use it. So, here we go...

Six Log: How are you using the tool?

I run this blog, and that's about it for now that are actually *live*.

In the past, I had

* Weight Watchers blog, which had three authors who posted consistently and two more authors who never actually posted, I think. One of them may have made one entry.

* Pop Goes the Culture, which at its height had four authors (only one (besides me) was overlap with other blogs), but only had two who ever posted regularly.

* Whitespace, my writing blog, which has been defunct for some time.

* A family blog, wherein all members of my family had the opportunity to get logins (only two of whom asked for logins, and then never actually used them) and post updates on what was going on in their lives. This was "secret," the URL only shown to the family members. I have 6 brothers and sisters, and 9 nieces and nephews, and my mother as potential authors.

* An RPG blog at a hidden URL, set up with Anne, supposed to be used for her to play while she took a break from my game. It didn't actually go very far, alas.

* Another RPG blog, started when Lou started his new Sunday D&D 3.5 game, which I haven't actually ever posted to, since I take a decent amount of notes in game, and I haven't been bothered to rewrite them up afterwards.

* A blog for a friend who was taking a class. It was for a project, but it was also free and I had the space. It's still there, not active, but she had just considered restarting it for another purpose when all this happened, and indicated she was willing to remove it, if it was going to cost me money.

I also have another MT installation where my other writing is located, on another domain name. But I am the only author there and there is only one instance of it.

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This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on May 18, 2004 1:39 PM.

The previous post in this blog was Kenya, LARP-style.

The next post in this blog is Not Fade Away.

Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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