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More on Hybrid Cars

Slashdot has an article today which links to this Wired article, which features Hybrid Buzz!, a blog by Pete Blackshaw, wherein he details how unsuccessful he has been at getting 40+ mpg with his Honda Civic Hybrid.

I know that Jack has been getting very good mileage with his Prius, at least 40 (right, Jack?). So I'm not sure where the difficulty lies.

And another link for Jack, if he wasn't aware of it before. :)

Courtesy of Slashdot.

Comments (1)

44.7 is the lifetime average, and that includes a lot of open-road driving (expected to be no better than 48 MPG, as it doesn't take much advantage of regenerative braking), less than 5 minute drives (expected to be terrible as the engine is still warming up when I shut it off at the destination), and cold weather driving (expected to lose 5-10 MPG below norm).

I have no complaints at all.

It is true that the EPA test does miss the hybrids weak spots... cold weather and high speed (70+ MPH) both cut into milage dramatically.

Knowing the way people drive in Cincy, I'm betting our complainer does a lot of 70+ driving; Cincy "city" driving is still mostly freeway.

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