Mena has posted some clarifications to the new MT 3.0 licensing agreement here. It will mollify some folk, but not all. The change in the blogs/authors is a good one, but I don't see this satisfying everyone.
But it may make me reconsider how my blogs are arranged. I could put all my blogs on one page URL and I would be covered under the new agreement. But it doesn't look like I can have them on separate pages, like I do now. Or maybe I can.
Ah well, I've got another blog installation where I can play with the beta and see how it works first. There's not so much there that if I ended up going to another platform, it wouldn't be a huge hardship.
A bit windy today here in Fall River. It's keeping the temps down, but making it hard to keep the $100+ worth of comics and gaming materials we picked up yesterday (been a while since we cleaned out the folder) hard to keep on tables.
Comments (1)
Right now, since this is supposedly a "developer's edition" of MT anyway, I plan to stick with 2.661 for a while. Then we'll see....I'm leaning toward moving to something other than MT, most likely Wordpress, rather than dealing with Six Apart's playing with licenses. I think I'd rather donate to a project like Wordpress than pay the same amount to Six Apart.
Posted by Michael | May 16, 2004 8:51 PM
Posted on May 16, 2004 20:51