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TBR 2004

Much fun was had at this year's convention, kudos and thanks to the Con Committee and helpers. The con may have been the biggest one yet, but it was still intimate and one of the best yet. Even if I didn't play a traditional Amber game all weekend.

Maybe next year, we can the "official" social hour, though? Or just order a bunch of pizzas from whatever place delivers, or a few huge party subs? I shudder to think how much pasta salad may still be left over...

Game quotes beneath the cut.

Tall Tales of Pattern and Shadow, Slot 1

GMed by Jack Gulick
Gerard's adventures recited by Matt Andrews
Bleys' escapades channeled by Deb Allen
Benedict's deeds explained by Burr Rutledge
Deirdre's excursions detailed by Julia Frizzell
Caine's exploits delivered by Louis Evans

"So I held her there while she batted ineffectually at me." Lou
- at the beginning of every chapter of Bleys' biography

"I was trying to go to my happy place, but UPS brought smut to my happy place. Curse you, Amazon.com!!" Lou

"So, unlike all your previous experiences with women, did you deliver this time?" Caine to a pregnant-with-triplets Bleys


If You Can't Take the Heat..., Slot 2

Deb has the quotes I took and then some at her LJ. I gave her my sheet, so I lost my only copy. Silly me.


Firescape, Slot 3

GM and NPCs by Nikki Quinn
Aeryn Sun, played by Julia Frizzell
John Crichton, played by DJ Quinn
Inara Serra, played by Liz Wilson
Kaylee Frye, played by Jenn Woelke
Jayne Cobb, played by Sean McCabe
Simon Tam, played by Matt Andrews

"Jayne, Niska has them. But we don't know where..." Inara
"I think I need a bigger gun." Jayne

"Shoot the gorram ship!" Jayne
"Those must be the Gorrams." Aeryn, indicating the Reaver ship

"You need to tell me everything!" River to John
"That shouldn't take long." Aeryn

"I swab things and inject him with stuff." Simon, treating an unconscious Mal

"Jayne, he ain't all there. But not all of him has to be!" River, on John

As John starts to describe, to Kaylee, the changes 1812 made to the engine on Serenity, Julia silently handed Jenn the apology pig, with the "I'm sorry I destroyed your _____" badge on it. The whole room cracked up.

"Those frelling gorrams." Simon


My Life with Corwin, Slot 4

GMed by Jack Gulick
Belphemius (the mute minion, except when in the dark), played by Michael Curry
Iphegenia, aka Iffy (the weepy minion, except when eating onions), played by Julia Frizzell
Sirene (the can pass unseen minion, except when children are around), played by Jenn Jackson
Lecithin (the bleeding out her ears minion, except when someone's singing), played by Liz Trumich
Vladimir (the blind minion, except when someone's eating), played by Bryant Durall

During character creation...
"No sex at cons, except..." Jenn
"Can't drink scotch except..." Liz
"...when already drunk." Jenn

"At least you're not having bodily fluids coming out of you." Liz to Michael

"Oh my God, blind Shatner!" Jenn, repeating aloud Michael's whisper on Vladimir's flowery speech

"I just want you to know, I love you."
"Why are we in the dark?" Julia, acting out Bel and his love, as he is getting ready to kill her

"Can we get points for loathing /him/?" Jenn on Vladimir

"You're making me do this, stop it!" Michael, channelling Shatner
"I'm infectious." Bryant


Nine Babes in Amber, Slot 5

GMed by Nikki and DJ Quinn
August Wynn-Drowe, SpecOps ArtCrime, played by Matt Andrews
Jane Plaine, SpecOps Chronoguard, played by Liz Wilson
Paige Turner, SpecOps ArtCrime, played by Kris Kunkel
Merciful "Mercy" Havens, SpecOps GeneCrime, played by Julia Frizzell
Madame Glen, civilian, played by Jenn Woelke

"Don't look at me, I just want to be in my book." DJ as Roger
"I'll be in my book." Matt, channelling Jayne

"Where are your sisters?" Jane
"They're in the castle. Probably...on the...trampolines." Bleys/Blaze/Eomer

"She (Coco) wants to marry me and we'll live in a cabin in the woods and live happily ever after..." Blaze's bartender
"And have beautiful, big-breasted babies?" Mercy

"There is neither a lack of vanity or a chest in the (Blaze's) cabin." DJ

"The Pattern has been...let's not talk about it." Deirdre
"Jello?" Jane
Deirdre hides her head in her hands and cries.

"Once you go hump, you never go chump." Kris, on Dworkin and his harem of the former princesses

"It's a little gooey, the Pattern..." Fiona

Fiona "magicks" Paige to look like one of Amber's princesses.
Mercy looks and lightly touches Paige's new breast
"Good idea, let me check my work." Fiona feels up Paige
"I'll be in my bunk." August

"Onward and downward?" Nikki to the players
"That's exactly the way this game has been going." Kris

"I'll prop the door open with a particularly large vibrator." August, in the S&M dungeon cell

"After all we've done for you, we'd better get bigger parts in the rewrite!" Flora
"Bigger parts...hmmm..." Jane

August hits Roger on the head.
"And Roger goes down!" DJ
"Probably the first time he's done that since he took over the book!" Julia

"You see the most beautiful man..." DJ, describing out-of-the-book Bleys
"I feel the most bizarre tingle in my life..." Matt, describing the still-looking-like-a-woman August's reaction

Comments (1)

>Maybe next year, we can the "official" social

>hour, though?

We'll see how it goes. IMO I think we've outgrown it at this point, and the breakfast thing seems to give people a chance to meet up outside of games.

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