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August 2004 Archives

August 3, 2004

The Artist's Statement

This makes me want to cry. Not just for what happened to this man, but for the fact that we live in a country now where this is all too commonplace.

The Artist's Statement

There but for the grace...

I have no experience of my own to share, but I can share the link.

No Pity. No Shame. No Silence.

This post has been all over Livejournal, and even made it onto MetaFilter. She's had some problems with this post, getting some trolls and nasty folk coming by to comment. You can still comment, but it won't show up on her journal, as all comments are now screened.

August 10, 2004

Bush to change HIV prevention programs

I have no words to describe this travesty, so I will let the article and the CDC speak for themselves.

New guidelines gut HIV prevention — and endanger young people’s lives

The CDC guidelines available for comment are here.

ETA: Here's another take on the decision.

August 12, 2004

You know you're from...

This went around blogs and/or LJ a bit ago, a google thing were you typed this in and got a list and posted it. Now someone's gone and collected them all. Blogthings - You Know You're From...

As I fall into both MA and RI categories, I won't post anything myself, except to say they're very nearly 100% accurate. They forgot Victory Day/VJ Day for RI, though. I mean, who would give up a Monday holiday in August, no matter what it's called? Not RI, that's for sure!

Firefly commentary

Note to Self: Read this later

Nilly Reviews: It Means a Thing

Also, talk to Doyce about those Unanswered Questions and Tidbits thing for the wiki.

August 25, 2004

Back from GenCon 2004

My apologies for not posting that I was off at GenCon. I've got a very long post mostly done up, just needs a few fixes here and there. Those of you who read my livejournal, it'll likely be the same thing but without the LJ code. :)

Oh, and it will have a mention of running into Jon&Carol, which I forgot to add in there. That was surprising, though we didn't manage to meet up for anything other than a hello in the hallway.

But, we did finish third place in the NASCRAG tourney this year! Huzzah to the Cheshire Chimps!

August 30, 2004

Weekend Stuff

The GenCon stuff is coming, likely tonight. But I wanted to put up the recap of the weekend, which included Whale Watching, seafood eating, and for Lou and I, watching Hero.

Left early on Saturday morning for the Whale Watch, out of Rye Harbor, NH. The weather was hot and humid, but once we got past the harbor, the air cooled down some and of course there was a breeze.

Continue reading "Weekend Stuff" »

GenCon 2004 Recap

The promised, very long, GenCon 2004 post is hidden beneath the cut.

Continue reading "GenCon 2004 Recap" »

About August 2004

This page contains all entries posted to Society for Aesthetic Deletions in August 2004. They are listed from oldest to newest.

July 2004 is the previous archive.

September 2004 is the next archive.

Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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