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September 2004 Archives

September 1, 2004

iMac G5

If you take a look here, you can get a good look at what the insides, and outsides, of the new G5 iMacs look like.

I think what someone said on the MacJournals discussion list is correct. Apple learned a lot from trying to fit the G5 into the XServe case.

September 2, 2004

Snowflakes for Cancer

Welcome to Robert's Snow: An Online Auction of Artist's Snowflakes for Cancer's Cure

Be sure to browse the entire gallery. The artwork is just amazing.

September 3, 2004

Going for it

Okay, I've had enough of comment spam. I'm heading for the 3.1 upgrade, tonight or tomorrow.

Expect a radically different-looking blog until I can find a new style/template I like. It won't be too radical to those who have seen the new 3.1 designs, as I will have a default at first.

I'm debating going with the .php version to dynamically build the site. If I'm going for it, why not go all the way, eh?

Upgrade Partially Complete

I've upgraded, even moved to a new folder, more secure, for the MT install. I've moved and re-templated all my other blogs, but this one is having its usual problem in rebuilding the category pages. And it's late, so while this is working, and I may get comment spammed overnight, I am going to wait until the morning, or afternoon, to change this template. Too late to be frelling with PHP, I think.

So, take a good look at this layout, it'll be gone tomorrow. *smile*

September 5, 2004


Of course, the moment I decide to upgrade, 3.11 comes out...

But I have done that upgrade, and mostly rebuilt this blogs entries. I still can't get the Category pages to rebuild, but if I make the move to dynamic pages (tomorrow or Tuesday night, at this rate), then we'll see how that goes then.

Don't worry, this isn't the final design for this blog, just a temporary one. I may go back to dark colors, or I may stay light, or do something else. Or maybe even skin the site, if I'm going to be using php. Wooo!

Oh, and MT-Blacklist 2.0e has been installed. I may go to registered comments, but I may not. We'll see how the new blacklist goes for now.

September 6, 2004

Sidebar Restored

Seeing as my husband freaked out last night upon going to my blog and finding the sidebar significantly changed, I promised him that I'd replace it asap.

So it's back, in limited form. I've still got some changes to make, but now he won't be upset at missing the links. *smile*

PHP Query & Other MT Things

I tried to go to the dynamic build for this site alone, and suddenly none of my blogs were accessible from anywhere. "Didn't have permission," it said.

I think I figured out the issue. My index pages are all index.shtml, because I use server-side includes for some stuff on sidebars and navigation. That was not a type of page listed in the .htaccess file that MT gives you by default. It listed many others, including default.htm and index.htm, but not index.shtml.

Does anyone know if I can just add index.shtml to the .htaccess file, or will that frell up PHP in some way of which I'm unaware?

I'm kind of annoyed that it frelled up ALL my blogs in the process of just trying to do one. That's Not On, SixApart.

And can anyone tell me why my registered comments aren't working? As far as I can tell, I've typed the token into the right place and enabled registration (though not required it). The only thing I can think of is that I haven't put the right URL into the Typekey field on the Typekey website. The wording here:

Enter the addresses (URLs) of your application into the fields to the left of this text.

makes me think that I'm not entering the right URL. Is it the MT installation URL?

Lastly, I've found something odd about rebuilding. The problems I'm having with rebuilding my Category pages are still there, and if I let my browser window stay open for a really, really long time, I eventually get a "save" dialogue box, with it wanting to save mt.cgi locally. I'm assuming it's something at the end of the rebuild.

I know, I should go ask these in MT support fora, and I will. But I thought I'd ask anyone who reads this blog first.

September 10, 2004

Did/Will KenJen finally lose?

Once I caught up with the internet and found out about this guy, I immediately watched an episode. I haven't watched it since, alas. But it's rumored that he will walk away at 75 shows, but whether it's a loss or a decision to leave will have to wait for a few more months.

Has Ken Jennings ended his 'Jeopardy!' run?

Courtesy of Slashdot.

George Messes with it Again

Perhaps in response to fan outrage that Han Shot First, he's tweaking the DVD trilogy release to have them shooting at nearly the same time. You can find more changes at the link below.

Star Wars Trilogy - 2004 DVD Changes

Don't forget to click through to the Empire and Jedi changes!

Real World Book Deal Descriptions

I am disappointed that I didn't make WorldCon this year, as it was in my own back yard. Maybe in LA in a few years, or Scotland if we suddenlly win the lottery or something.

Or you know, I write a novel and get the "I'm Getting the Next Round" sort of deal.

Of course, that would mean actually *writing* something...

Oh yeah, forgot to add...Courtesy of Sarah's LJ.

September 11, 2004

Teen Titans Animated Japanese Lyrics

I found these lyrics on a blog that chose not to have them anymore, since the owner was upset that most people were finding his blog by googling for them. I could care less if people find me that way, and I think they should be out there for reading!

So, what follows is what I believe the Japanese lyrics to the Teen Titans animated TV show:

Domo kotsu uru mamoru yo, Teen Titans
Suki kidai naku randemo taberu yo, Teen Titans
Shin kami dari kari oyai
Okuga san su ika shakai
Omae mo wa nari mounai, Teen Titans, GO!

Okida koidei yopei oku dayou, Teen Titans
Mono yami haku daiketsu shichau yo, Teen Titans
Kas rana suke ju kontoro
Mama na daichu kontoro
Megau dou wa hate shinai, Teen Titans, GO!
1,2,3,4, GO! Teen Titans!

September 13, 2004

Behind the Serenity Scenes & EE RotK

Grabbed from Slashdot, a few pics from behind the scenes of Serenity.

Also, rumor has it that EE RotK will be in stores on December 14th.

September 14, 2004

Don't mess with the naked fat lady

This really should also be in a category like "Inspiration" as well.

A wonderful post, wherein the authoress deals with "mean" roofers in a way that wins her a large amount of respect from them in the end.

You go, girl!

September 16, 2004

Where the aliens win

My mother-in-law, the librarian, called us up tonight with a reference question.

"Can you give me the name of some SF books/stories where the aliens win?"

All we could think of off the top of our heads was "Invasion of the Body Snatchers", the 1955 novel made into three movies.

Does anyone have any other books to add to the list?

September 23, 2004


Wow, the front page looks really blank when nothing's filling it up, doesn't it?

I'll have to fix that!

Anyway, like Ginger, I am trying out MarsEdit, though today was the first day I could try it after downloading it yesterday. It found my blog, possibly from Kung-Log settings or something, but it wasn't reading all the categories. A delete and a re-add later, and now it's showing everything.

I do admit that, like her, I found Kung-Log a decent program, while ecto was not as elegant. We'll see if I keep this or whether I just go back to bookmarklets when I'm at work.

I'm also going to have to figure out how to use this for Livejournal. Since Phoenix is unreliable on login, if I can find something that I like that's more reliable than that, I may switch. I've never really liked Xjournal, and I just wish that the maker of the wonderful Clutter program would work again on Journalert, because it was perfect and small and just what I needed.

I've also downloaded the latest beta of NetNewsWire Lite, and am going to give that a try again. I was using the original regularly, then fell out of the habit.

Okay, time to try a post.

I think I may need to go see this musical

But how are they going to manage the Death Blossom effect?

'The Last Starfighter', the Musical, Beams Down Into World Premiere in NYC.

Courtesy of Slashdot.

Getting older

Well, today was the day I had my first boob sandwich, as a certain someone has taken to calling them. I should have had my baseline done last year, but I was a lazy sot and never got off my ass and did it. So after my OB chastised me at my annual, I resolved to do it this year.

Considering that my annual was in February, a September exam is still within a year. Thankfully.

And so far, no problems. Though I have until Monday to wait for the final "all clear."

It wasn't that painful, though I'd imagine women with smaller breasts than mine are the ones who have the largest amount of pain/discomfort with the procedure.

I do hope all my female friends are making sure to get their regular exams, doing self-exams at home, and if you're old enough, getting the yearly mammogram.

September 24, 2004

Camino Project

When I'm at work, I use a browser called Camino (formerly Chimera) for just about everything web-related. It's perfect for my needs, and fills every niche I need for work, and for play. It's come a long way, and with stiff competition from Safari and now Firefox. But each of those programs lacks something Camino has, and that's what keeps me loyal.

So I was pleased to see an article on Ars Technica with the project head and lead developer. And I think I can definitely agree with this statement from the article.

You have built something that people are fighting for and passionate about. That is a huge compliment, IMO the best compliment software can get."
I, for one, hope that they don't stop working on this browser for a long time.

Courtesy of Slashdot.

Apologies for feed

I've fixed the RSS feed. My own bad, for using a "non-standard" feed name (sfad.rdf instead of index.rdf), and while I fixed the template properly, I did not update the main index page.

But in playing around with Firefox's "Live Bookmark" feature (it was shown to me yesterday at a SysAdmin meeting at Brown), I realized that it wasn't showing the right feed for subscription and tracked down the solution.

I still wish I could just use the delete key to go back in Firefox for OS X. It's one of the reasons I mentioned for not switching from Camino.

But now I've got an ad-block .css sheet that is blocking images for Camino, at least. I do need to get that extension installed for Firefox here at work.

So how many browsers do I use on a daily basis? In my Dock, I have Camino in the prominent space (right next to the Finder), followed by IE, Netscape 7, Safari, and Firefox. No Opera on Mac yet, but if I need another browser, that'd likely be the one I go to.

September 26, 2004

Faires & Zombies

Saturday, Lou and I went to a local Renaissance Faire, King Richard's Faire. Thanks to Anne's connections, we had managed to score free tickets, but they were only good on weekends in September. The first weekend we were gaming on Saturday, so we planned to go last weekend. Saturday was a terrible day, as New England was hit by the remnants of Ivan.

So it was decided that we would go on the final weekend available to us, and since we have a regular Sunday game, we'd go on Saturday.

It was a great day for it, though a bit breezy. We went pretty early and managed to catch the middle tiger show, which this year featured two new cats - two 16-week-old female tiger cubs - along with the regular 4-year-old Liger, a white Bengal Tiger, and a white Bengal Tiger with white stripes. They also had a mountain lion this year; I think he or she was 3-years-old.

We also bought me a neat hair-thing, and a cedar staff. Pictures will be forthcoming when I can borrow a digital camera. Lou did not find anything to his liking, within our price range. He was looking for a dagger from the Starfire Swords booth, but the price list he saw told him it was out of his range. In looking at their website now, I am wondering if he was looking at a numbered dagger or some other speciality dagger, because it does look as if they are within the price range we could have spent. Ah well, maybe next year, when they've replenished their stock.

Saturday night brought us home and more playing of Sly Cooper 2: Band of Thieves. Pat & Betsy came over, obsensibly to watch Teen Titans and Justice League Unlimited. We ordered out, and belatedly realized that neither show was on, as they were doing a Star Wars: Clone Wars reshowing. But we also had Lost to watch, and pulled out the tape from our VCR (Smallville is the one that gets Replay'ed, though I think I may start requesting that Lost is sent to me via Poopli, because tapes are so ... so ... 90s. We all enjoyed Lost, and I had fun playing "Spot the JJ Actor" due to my Alias fascination (note to self: buy 3rd season Alias, and watch the friggin' 2nd season again!!).

We had found out on Friday night that Shaun of the Dead had opened locally, but with all our busy plans, we didn't have time to see it until today. The game was cancelled due to my brother-in-law and sister-in-law wanting to celebrate their birthdays with dinner out, but an early one. So Lou and I went to the 2:40 showing of "Shaun" and then to dinner afterwards at 4:30.

This was after, this morning, Lou finished Sly Cooper 2, which was quite an enjoyable game, with a serious amount of improvement over the first one, including having both Murray and Bentley as playable characters, and a much longer and more detailed game.

Shaun of the Dead was a very funny movie, and surprisingly poignant in scenes as well. There is even a sly nod to the other recent British zombie movie, 28 Days Later, if you listen into the newscast at the end. We enjoyed it very much, though there is some slow bits. It was also a good social commentary on how much people pay attention to what is going on around them, and how much they just do the same old, same old, and never really take a moment to really look around them and see what's going on.

Came back home this evening, and Lou was itching to play Ratchet & Clank 2: Going Commando, but had forgotten that he had loaned it to Pat. He wanted to make sure he had maxed out everything that he could max out on his save game, in case there is something like with the first to second games in the series, where weapons from the first game could be brought over when you reached a certain point. But a brief trip out and back, and now he's playing R&C 2 again, maxing out to the Ultra versions of all his weapons, and while he still needs some work on the controls (it's been a while, and Sly Cooper has a very different set of controls), he's doing pretty well. Hopefully this will tide him over until the beginning of November, when Ratchet & Clank 3: Up Your Arsenal comes out. PSM gave it a 10 out of 10, and Sly 2 only got an 8.5 out of 10. Jak 3 got a 9 out of 10, so R&C 3 is shaping up to be one hell of a game. We can't wait.

September 27, 2004

RotK DVD Special Extended Version

Well, they've announced the specs of the Return of the King DVD.

I'm definitely interested in the full edition with the mini-Minas Tirith. 250 minutes? Wow...I don't know if I could physically sit through another Trilogy Tuesday, if that was included. Not without being in a theater with comfy couches.

Pre-orders start on Friday, but the discs won't be out until December 14th. Just in time for a belated birthday present for me (which I'm more than willing to "suffer" for being late, Lou!), or an early Christmas present for both of us.

Courtesy of Slashdot.

September 30, 2004

Spaceballs II: Electric Boogaloo

Being one of the few people I know who thoroughly enjoyed this movie, even in the theater (where I first saw it), I have to admit that I'm very pleased to hear that Spaceballs Will Return, if not before the next SW movie comes out, then a year or so after it. More news here, and all the info comes from a Playbill magazine interview.

Courtesy of Slashdot.

About September 2004

This page contains all entries posted to Society for Aesthetic Deletions in September 2004. They are listed from oldest to newest.

August 2004 is the previous archive.

October 2004 is the next archive.

Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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