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Faires & Zombies

Saturday, Lou and I went to a local Renaissance Faire, King Richard's Faire. Thanks to Anne's connections, we had managed to score free tickets, but they were only good on weekends in September. The first weekend we were gaming on Saturday, so we planned to go last weekend. Saturday was a terrible day, as New England was hit by the remnants of Ivan.

So it was decided that we would go on the final weekend available to us, and since we have a regular Sunday game, we'd go on Saturday.

It was a great day for it, though a bit breezy. We went pretty early and managed to catch the middle tiger show, which this year featured two new cats - two 16-week-old female tiger cubs - along with the regular 4-year-old Liger, a white Bengal Tiger, and a white Bengal Tiger with white stripes. They also had a mountain lion this year; I think he or she was 3-years-old.

We also bought me a neat hair-thing, and a cedar staff. Pictures will be forthcoming when I can borrow a digital camera. Lou did not find anything to his liking, within our price range. He was looking for a dagger from the Starfire Swords booth, but the price list he saw told him it was out of his range. In looking at their website now, I am wondering if he was looking at a numbered dagger or some other speciality dagger, because it does look as if they are within the price range we could have spent. Ah well, maybe next year, when they've replenished their stock.

Saturday night brought us home and more playing of Sly Cooper 2: Band of Thieves. Pat & Betsy came over, obsensibly to watch Teen Titans and Justice League Unlimited. We ordered out, and belatedly realized that neither show was on, as they were doing a Star Wars: Clone Wars reshowing. But we also had Lost to watch, and pulled out the tape from our VCR (Smallville is the one that gets Replay'ed, though I think I may start requesting that Lost is sent to me via Poopli, because tapes are so ... so ... 90s. We all enjoyed Lost, and I had fun playing "Spot the JJ Actor" due to my Alias fascination (note to self: buy 3rd season Alias, and watch the friggin' 2nd season again!!).

We had found out on Friday night that Shaun of the Dead had opened locally, but with all our busy plans, we didn't have time to see it until today. The game was cancelled due to my brother-in-law and sister-in-law wanting to celebrate their birthdays with dinner out, but an early one. So Lou and I went to the 2:40 showing of "Shaun" and then to dinner afterwards at 4:30.

This was after, this morning, Lou finished Sly Cooper 2, which was quite an enjoyable game, with a serious amount of improvement over the first one, including having both Murray and Bentley as playable characters, and a much longer and more detailed game.

Shaun of the Dead was a very funny movie, and surprisingly poignant in scenes as well. There is even a sly nod to the other recent British zombie movie, 28 Days Later, if you listen into the newscast at the end. We enjoyed it very much, though there is some slow bits. It was also a good social commentary on how much people pay attention to what is going on around them, and how much they just do the same old, same old, and never really take a moment to really look around them and see what's going on.

Came back home this evening, and Lou was itching to play Ratchet & Clank 2: Going Commando, but had forgotten that he had loaned it to Pat. He wanted to make sure he had maxed out everything that he could max out on his save game, in case there is something like with the first to second games in the series, where weapons from the first game could be brought over when you reached a certain point. But a brief trip out and back, and now he's playing R&C 2 again, maxing out to the Ultra versions of all his weapons, and while he still needs some work on the controls (it's been a while, and Sly Cooper has a very different set of controls), he's doing pretty well. Hopefully this will tide him over until the beginning of November, when Ratchet & Clank 3: Up Your Arsenal comes out. PSM gave it a 10 out of 10, and Sly 2 only got an 8.5 out of 10. Jak 3 got a 9 out of 10, so R&C 3 is shaping up to be one hell of a game. We can't wait.

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