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Teen Titans Animated Japanese Lyrics

I found these lyrics on a blog that chose not to have them anymore, since the owner was upset that most people were finding his blog by googling for them. I could care less if people find me that way, and I think they should be out there for reading!

So, what follows is what I believe the Japanese lyrics to the Teen Titans animated TV show:

Domo kotsu uru mamoru yo, Teen Titans
Suki kidai naku randemo taberu yo, Teen Titans
Shin kami dari kari oyai
Okuga san su ika shakai
Omae mo wa nari mounai, Teen Titans, GO!

Okida koidei yopei oku dayou, Teen Titans
Mono yami haku daiketsu shichau yo, Teen Titans
Kas rana suke ju kontoro
Mama na daichu kontoro
Megau dou wa hate shinai, Teen Titans, GO!
1,2,3,4, GO! Teen Titans!

Comments (11)

I've not watched the show consistently enough to have a sense of when they use the Japanese lyrics and when they use the English ones, but I know I've heard both.


Worship Teen Titans (animated series)!


I have the song, if anyone wants it, e-mail me.


This song is really really good so appreciate it.


Have you heard the entire song for this and seen the entire video? It's really impressive!!!


Part of those is incorrect.

The second line of the first verse is:


suki kidai naku dattemo taberu yo.

"because love isn't there for them."

(the japanese lyrics are more profound)


Does anyone know where I can get the series in Japanese?


Rachael wrote:

suki kidai naku dattemo taberu yo. "because love isn't there for them." (the japanese lyrics are more profound)

That would make no sense (and wouldn't mean that in english anyway). I hear it as "suki kirai nandemo taberu yo" whichmeans "we don't have any likes and hates (i.e. we're not picky) - we'll eat anything" (i.e. like good boys and girls). No exactly profound.

The lyrics quoted in the original above are really wrong and mostly nonsense. Here is a more accurate rendering of the complete lyrics in Japanese and then romaji, and my own brief attempts at translation:


kyoumo koutsu rule wo mamoru yo.(TEENTITANS!)

We'll follow the traffic rules today too.


suki kirai naku nandemo taberuyo.(TEENTITANS!)

We're not picky, we'll eat anything.




Jishin kaminari kaji oyaji.

kokugo sansu rika shakai.

kowaimon wa nanimo nai

Earthquake, thunder, fire, old-man

japanese, math, history, social studies

hey, we're not afraid of anything!


okina koe de yonde okure yo

call us with a loud voice


onayami hanbun kaiketsu shichau yo.

we'll cut your troubles in half (solve half your troubles? i'm not sure on this line)


papa no sukejuru controru

control dad's schedule


mama no taiju controru

control mom's weight


negau no wa hate shinai.

there's no limit to the requests (not sure on this line either: either there is no limit to what they hope for or no limit for what others are asking of them to perform?)

Teen Titans, go!

1 2 3 4 go!

Anyway, hope that is helpful! Take it easy!


[In my desire to despam my blog, I accidentally deleted this comment instead of approving it, so I'm re-adding it. Apologies! -- Julia]

I think slim's right... Though I closely listened to the song... And of slim's lyrics... When they say the "Kyoumo kotsu" line, they really sing "RURU" since there isn't a "le" or "lu" syllable in Japanese... On the Jishin line, I think they say kagi instead of kaji cause I don't hear the "j" in kaji but a "g" like kagi... Then they just say "oyai" rather than "oyaji" cause oyai can be easily sung into two syllables "swallowing" or molding the ya syllable into the i syllable... It would be a lot harder to say or sing oyaji neatly into two syllables... On the Okina line... I think they say Koi de instead of Koe de... The next line I think starts as Monayami instead of onayami... I kinda can hear an "m" in monayami... In the papa no line... I don't think they say sukejuru but just sukeju... I only hear three syllables... It's gonna be hard to fit sukejuru into three neat syllables... And I think it's spelled Kontoro translating in japanese syllables... Just what I kinda picked out from the song... Also, looking at the earthquake and such translated lyrics... The old-man sticks out pretty far... I'm sure oyai means something relevant... But good job on being mostly accurate... I clearly heard each of those syllables including my corrections...

What Arlene wrote is entirely true! I speak Japanese, and your translation in completely accurate! I noticed the true words when listening to the song.... I wondered if anyone else noticed this as well.... Now I know that someone did! ^_^

Whoops srry, I meant slim, ai'm a little new to this... I didn't realize that the names were BELOW the comments.... -_-''

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