Like many folks, I have gotten sucked into watching Lost, even though it's opposite Smallville. We Replay the Smallville episode, and then I have someone send me the Lost via Poopli, and since I've requested the "Standard" quality, we usually get it overnight and can watch it Thursday night when we watch Smallville.
[all of which is going to be moot soon, as my boss is going to be selling me her Replay cheap, as she bought herself a second TiVo and doesn't feel the need to cross-platform anymore.)
But anyway, the point of this post was to point you to the latest Penny Arcade comic, where Tycho and Gabe discuss the Beast, and try to decide what it is.
Of course, this discussion, and discussion elsewhere, is all amusing to those of us who have been watching Alias for three seasons. Because if you know JJ, just when you think you have everything all figured out, he'll suddenly switch it up, and go off in a totally different direction than what you, or maybe even he, thought originally.
And if you're following this show and not reading Cleolinda's recaps, then you really should be. Links to the previous recaps are at the end of her post.