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Appealing to the female

Being a girl, and a gamer, I did find this article (subtitled "The myths, misconceptions, and misdemeanors of females in games") an interesting read. I'm also glad to see that more game companies are trying to figure out how to "get the girl" - basically trying to appeal to the female market.

And I will admit, I love the Tomb Raider games, improbable breasts or not. With the exception of the last game (which featured poor gameplay, not a reflection on the storyline), they've been great to play, and to watch my husband play. I didn't care if she was well-endowed or not, if it was a good game, that's all that mattered.

I think that might be why "Beyond Good and Evil," mentioned in the article and an image in the sidebar, didn't do as well, not because the main character wasn't a buxom babe. Gameplay wasn't up to snuff, therefore the game suffered.

Now if we can just get that elusive, perfect game, with a realistically-proportioned heroine and good gameplay and a good storyline!

Courtesy of Slashdot.

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