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But will it stop them?

So I've installed the nofollow plugin, and it does appear to work very well after a quick rebuild.

My only question is...since it has to be installed, how many folk won't install it, and therefore the spammers keep spamming? I know that ou can't have it be something that you don't have to install; that's pretty much impossible.

Anyway, here's hoping!

Comments (2)

If enough folks install it, then the overall impact should make comment spam less attractive. If spammers start to look for it and avoid the blogs that use it -- well, at least that takes us out of the cross-hairs.

I installed it today, because even if the nofollow tag won't neccesarily stop the scourge of comment spam, it might help, and it was so simple to install there's really no reason not to do it.

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