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Serenity again!

So with the weather New England has been having lately, my baseball vs. movie decision was decided for me. I had already decided to not go to the ball game because the weather was looking rainy and highs in the low 50s, if that (not counting wind), but the Rox ended up postponing their opening day game until today. We can use our tickets later in the summer, so that's what we'll do.

The screening was sold out, and I ended up not being able to find anyone wanting a ticket, as Lou decided not to attend. He has not been feeling well, having a bout of illness that started after our friends (re)wedding on Saturday night, and ended up with him spending most of the night in the bathroom on his knees. That's when he was able to make it that far. And no, it wasn't alcohol, but true illness, causing him to sleep away all Sunday when he wasn't in the bathroom.

Turns out that a number of his co-workers had the same problem, so there is obviously some bug going around.

So, Serenity last night was just as good, even though we had no stars. I noticed a few things in the movie this time that I wish could have been done better, but all in all, it was just as good. Even more fun was experiencing it with a crowd who had, and hadn't, seen it before. My crew was all first-timers, so I was watching and listening for the scenes I knew would have the best reactions.

My boss brought a Firefly Newbie, someone who hadn't even seen the series at all. And she enjoyed it, and was able to follow it very well (though she feels she may have missed some in-jokes), so that's a good thing. Even more a good thing - she wants to watch the show now! Yay!

September can't come soon enough.

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This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on May 27, 2005 10:35 AM.

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The next post in this blog is Apple finally to come to RI.

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