So, I bought a total of 8 tickets for the Providence screening on the 26th.
And 5 of them are gone already, and likely at least one more tonight, and maybe the rest by Wednesday.
It looks like Providence MAY be showing it on two screens. Or it may be a bug. had two listings for a 10:00 show on that day.
And my boss Kate is going and taking her friend, who has not been introduced to Firefly yet.
Anne and Tim will be in Italy, but they've already seen it, so SQUEEE anyway!
ETA: aaaaand I might not be able to go. We're going to see the Brockton Rox that night. 7:00 p.m. game.
Think we can get from Brockton to Providence by 10:00? Think the game will be rained out? Think I'm insane to be even considering it???
Oh yeah.